One Board Game Inventor's Quest

I'm honored you are here reading my ramblings. I am a first time board game inventor trying to break into the billion-dollar toy and game industry. This is my blog, sharing with you all that I learn along the way. Wish me luck and feel free to interact with me!

Mahalo! ("Thanks" in Hawaiian)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Clinical Trials

You know how I casually joked/commented how I understood how some people might consider trying alternative means to generate income while actively searching for a job in this crazy economy (such as medical experimentation)? Well, I actually took a risk and decided to participate in one of those clinical trials you sometimes read about in newspapers or job search publications. This particular study needed healthy people to test the potential side effects an experimental drug. I will not reveal too much detail because I honestly do not know if it is permitted.

I know you may (or may not) think I am absolutely crazy for even considering this as an option. However, being the studious person that I am, I did a lot of research on the pharmaceutical company, the drug itself, and the organization before deciding to participate in the study. Fortunately, I could not find a single negative review about the company. I also learned that over 90 people participated in the trial before me. Out of those 90+ people, only two had any reported side-effects. One person had a slightly elevated heart rate, while the other had some small spot(s) that appeared on the eye itself without affecting their vision at all. In the documents I signed, the company said they would pay to treat me for any potential side-effects that may result from the clinical trial. This seemed like pretty good odds so far. Plus, the study was only for two weeks and would wash out of my system once I stopped taking the pill.

I know that I was taking a major risk by not having employment secured before moving to out here to Los Angeles. However, it was a risk I was willing to take for the sake of pursuing my goals and dreams, verses remaining unemployed in a location that dried up for the film industry.

What is great about this program is that it has given me a lot of time to catch up on my studying and reading on various topics, reflect on my goals for the year, meet some interesting people from Los Angeles, rest (for a change), and converse with some beautiful Japanese and Filipino nurses I would have never been able to meet otherwise. ;) Too bad they're all married.

Even though we are not allowed to leave the hospital or eat any outside food (I miss my local Chinese restaurants), we do have a recreational room that has movies, internet access, video games, and board games. In fact, I am thrilled to say that I played Risk for the first time ever. All this time, I thought it would be an incredibly boring game and even picked on a former president because it was rumored that it was his favorite game in college. However, I retract my uninformed preconception and wholeheartedly recommend this classic board game.

In the mean time, the moment I receive a check for participating in the clinical trial, (after paying my bills) I plan to send my second board game invention to the same toy broker for review and to see if he might be able to license it to a major toy company for me. Hopefully, when I return home, I will have heard from one of the literary agents for my nonfiction book as well. Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed for me. Have a wonderful weekend!

Mahalo! (Thank you!)


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