One Board Game Inventor's Quest

I'm honored you are here reading my ramblings. I am a first time board game inventor trying to break into the billion-dollar toy and game industry. This is my blog, sharing with you all that I learn along the way. Wish me luck and feel free to interact with me!

Mahalo! ("Thanks" in Hawaiian)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Making Progress With Affiliate Products

Hello everyone!

I noticed that some of you have been clicking on some of my affiliate links posted on my homepage, which makes me very happy. As you can see, I have been hard at work adding some carefully selected costumes, posters, movie collector items, and board games. I only included board games that I have played personally and have enjoyed immensely and/or games that are the highest rated by several gamers on

I'm thinking about adding a few more adult and kids costumes since Halloween is just around the corner. My goal is to have the entire homepage covered by the next 2-3 days.

Thank you for checking out my selections. Feel free to click around and offer suggestions! Mahalo! (Thank you!)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sending Your Invention to Shark Tank on ABC

Today, I had a nice long conversation with my Toy & Game Broker, Mike Marra from Marra Design Associates and I told him that I submitted my board game, “Global Quest” to the Shark Tank on ABC TV today. Since he watches that show religiously and has had a friend that was actually on the show, this is what he had to say…

The judges on the Shark Tank TV show are investors, which means they are not going to be doing any work for you. They are simply investing their money and are looking for a return on their investment. As a result, when you are on the show, the first thing they are going to ask you is, “What are you sales numbers like?” Just like a major toy company that you might pitch to license your next great toy or game, they want to see if you have been able to sell several thousand pieces in a short period of time (i.e. one year) on your own before they consider investing in you. If you don’t have a proven sales record, then more than likely, they are not going to invest in your product or service.

He also said that sometimes, another way you might be able to get onto ABC's Shark Tank with just a prototype is if you have an absolutely ridiculous and/or dangerous idea (i.e. An alarm clock that awakes you by cooking bacon in your room. Imagine how quickly that would cause a fire in your house, much less trying to avoid food poisoning from leaving uncooked bacon exposed in the open over night before you cook it.) Since this is a reality show, they are looking for ideas like this for the sole purpose of embarrassing these types of individuals. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my 15 minutes of fame to be from humiliating myself in front of millions of viewers around the world.

Here’s the kicker. He told me that he had a friend that was a contestant on the show but was turned down by all the judges. His friend mentioned that even if your product is rejected by all the judges and you still decide to go out on your own to make a business and sell your product that was on the show, then the ABC or the Shark Tank TV show (I'm not sure which) still gets approximately 10% of all your profits because they gave you national exposure on television. Can you believe that?!?!

If after reading all of this advice, you still want to submit your product or invention to Shark Tank, their instructions are to submit your name, age, contact info, a recent photo (no larger than 1 MB) and a brief NON-CONFIDENTIAL description of your business product or idea to

NOTE: Before you email the Shark Tank TV show, make sure to go to their website first and read their “Terms of Use”: Here is the Shark Tank TV casting link. Good luck!

My Toy Broker

This blog is response to all the great feedback I received for my previous blog, Finding the Best Toy & Game Broker/Agent.

Today, I contacted Michael Marra from Marra Design Associates, LLC and I told him about how many of you were asking about him. This is why I really like the guy - we had about a 40 minute conversation on the phone about the toy and game industry; getting feedback about my idea to put my board game on the TV show called, "Shark Tank"; and games that he's created that have done well and others that did not. He's very genuine and really seems to love what he does with a sincere desire to help give people the best advice and direction.

What separates Marra Design from other Toy and Game Brokers is that they do not take your game to toy fairs and try to pitch your game or toy to major toy companies. Michael explained that this is because the major toy companies are at the toy fair to attract buyers to buy their latest and greatest products. (This makes sense, because I remember when I once attended the New York Toy Fair and Mattel and Hasbro had their areas sealed off and only open to buyers, not inventors.)  Instead, because Marra Design has been bringing new Toy and Game products to market and for the past 22 years, buyers from major toy and game companies come to him!

For those of you that want the contact information for Marra Design, here you go! (Tell him Luis Aponte from "Treasure Hold 'Em" and "Global Quest" sent you!) Michael is a good guy and I think you will have a good experience with him. Good luck!

Marra Design and Associates
Phone: (952) 937-8141
Fax: (952)934-1180
Address: 7007 Dakota Ave., Chanhassen, MN 55317

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We're in the NEWS!!!

Great news! We ARE today's news!

I just found out this morning that Yahoo! NEWS, The San Francisco Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, and Energy Today has just published an article about our film project here on Kickstarter!

We're very excited to see our documentary film get some momentum! We can still use all the support we can get. Thank you so much!

Warm regards,
Luis Aponte

*If you haven't done so already, make to to download your eBook copy of Death of a Gas Guzzler.

*Make sure to share and keep updated with our film's progress on Kickstarter!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cell Phone Game Version of My Board Game

So I've decided to take the advice of a toy broker; the founder of UNO; and a few friends. I've posted a job on to see how much it would cost to have a cell phone game app made for one of the board games I invented. This is the first time I've used this website, but there seemed to be some talented freelancers here. After I get an estimate, I will make another Kickstarter page and keep everyone posted. Wish me luck!

Film Agent and New Movie!

Aloha everyone!
My deepest apologies for not writing for so long. A lot has happened since I have last posted a blog on my site. Someone was kind enough to write to me recently and remind me that I have not written any updates in awhile, which of course motivated me to get back on the ball!

Where to begin?! I have a few announcements that are long overdue!

In case you were wondering about my last blog, no my friend Emily and I did not make it to the last selection round of Ford's "Escape Routes" reality show. Oh well. It would have been a lot of fun, but I'm over it. Pushing forward! However, I am thrilled to announce that I self-published my nonfiction eBook about gas prices, alternative fuels and cars. It's called, “Death of a Gas Guzzler” and it is now available on, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Sony Reader, Kobo eBooks, and Diesel eBook Store for only $1.99!

My 2nd HUGE announcement is that I am now producing and raising money for my first documentary film based on my non-fiction eBook called, “Gas Prices: A Love Story”. The project is up on right now and I desperately need YOUR help to get this movie made! There’s only a few weeks left to raise the money we need and I am giving away gifts to everyone who donates. I have worked in the film and television industry for about four years and it’s time to finally make my own projects that I am passionate about and make a name for myself in the film industry. I want to take you all along on my journey, so make sure to also follow me on; my Facebook fan page; my 2nd YouTube page; and my Twitter page.

My 3rd announcement that I am excited to share with you is that, during my blogging hiatus, my best friend and I wrote a feature-length hacker screenplay, partially based on true events (because he is a White hat hacker), and partially based on plausible future cyber threats. I cannot give any spoilers about the screenplay, but I will say that it was a lot of fun writing this movie. My best friend and I flew to Los Angeles to shop it around to different film production companies. We now have an agent that is reviewing our movie script and is very interested in representing and finding a buyer for us! Keep your fingers crossed for us. I’m incredibly thrilled and nervous at the same time!

As you can see, it’s been a busy year so far and YES, I want to get back to finding a way to self-produce my two board games, “Global Quest” and “Treasure Hold ‘Em”. Most of all, I still want to find my lost student in China, Ding Mei, even though the last investigator I hired was unsuccessful.

Within the next couple of months, I plan to create another Kickstarter project just for my board games and to hire another investigator to keep looking for my lost student in nearby major cities, such as Shanghai, China. I promise to keep you posted!

Mahalo (thank you) for the great support!

Warm regards,