One Board Game Inventor's Quest

I'm honored you are here reading my ramblings. I am a first time board game inventor trying to break into the billion-dollar toy and game industry. This is my blog, sharing with you all that I learn along the way. Wish me luck and feel free to interact with me!

Mahalo! ("Thanks" in Hawaiian)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We're in the NEWS!!!

Great news! We ARE today's news!

I just found out this morning that Yahoo! NEWS, The San Francisco Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, and Energy Today has just published an article about our film project here on Kickstarter!

We're very excited to see our documentary film get some momentum! We can still use all the support we can get. Thank you so much!

Warm regards,
Luis Aponte

*If you haven't done so already, make to to download your eBook copy of Death of a Gas Guzzler.

*Make sure to share and keep updated with our film's progress on Kickstarter!

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